this is just a corner flag

Dear fans,

Following a decision by the UK government, I regret to inform you that an individual related to Ashwood City Football Club has been sanctioned. The individual - who I've never met by the way and is now dead - had a financial partnership with the holding company that owns this football club.

I can assure you I am working closely with UK officials to make sure this is resolved as soon as possible. In light of these new measures the club is now operating under a special license which enables us to fulfill our fixtures and cover vital running costs.

However, the sanctions enacted on Ashwood City prevent the hiring of new staff, the selling of merchandise at the stadium (online shop operates through a Cayman Islands umbrella company so keep buying from there!). We cannot sell tickets in a conventional sense but season ticket holders are still permitted to attend and cheer on the mighty SuperWhites! If you sing about the sanctions in relation to me personally and infer that I am somehow linked to Vladimir Putin - legal action will be taken.

As many have pointed out (thanks a lot The Athletic) without the ability to recruit new staff - we remain without a permanent Head Coach. Again, I am doing everything in my power to resolve this issue. If you sing about the contrary and imply any incompetence on my part - legal action will be taken.

Go Ashwood!


Patrick Nolan MBE